The 686 Belt

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Skate or die homie… 686 is a manufacturer of skate and snowboarding apparel. They also make the above belt which has become famous with folks interested in EDC goods. What looks like your typical “hep cat” belt is actually a multi-tool.

Got your pants on? Then you’re ready… A #2 phillips, a #2 flat, as well as a 1/2″, 9/16″, and 3/8″ wrench is ready to go just as soon as you detach the buckle from your belt. Plumber’s ass is almost certain to follow.

Get yours here.

The Smokejumper Belt

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Looking for a seriously heavy duty work belt? I wasn’t, but I stumbled upon a belt that Chute43 was offering and just dug the way it looked. I dropped him a line, sent him some cash via paypal, and received my “Smokejumper” belt just a few days later.

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