Trayvax Link Lanyard

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A few years ago, Trayvax released the Link Lanyard. A couple of YouTubers reviewed it favorably and inventory sold out quickly. Because the quick release is a pain in the ass to produce in numbers, Trayvax declined to make more.

Meanwhile, reviewers and EDC guys began to really appreciate the Link for what it was, how it worked, and its reliability. Eventually, so much pressure was put on Travax that they felt like they had to make more. They did so a couple of months ago… and there is still stock available.

I’ve never touched one of these things, but everyone I know that has one is in love with it… Come to think of it, just about everyone I know with anything from Travax loves the company in general. So…


Personal Pocket Dump

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So I got a surprise yesterday – someone actually emailed and asked for a pocket dump. Hell, I didn’t know anyone actually read this crap! But, who am I to disappoint?

  1. iPhone 12 Mini. I’ve been carrying this for a month and I think I can already say it’s my favorite iPhone of all time. It’s small in the pocket and the camera is dope.
  2. Apple leather case with an Apple wallet attached using MagSafe. I got this setup when I got the phone and I’m undecided on the functionality of it all. The MagSafe actually works really well. The wallet is easy to attach and removes with appropriate effort, but the work flow of paying for something is awkward. You have to remove the wallet to access the cards, but when you do that you now have both hands occupied – one with the phone and one with the wallet. I do, however, love the space this setup occupies in my pocket.
  3. MakerKnife. This is the latest of their releases. It’s not made as well and the tolerances aren’t as tight as the originals, but the form and functionality of it is just too hard for me to resist. I’ve been carrying these for a couple of years now.
  4. Orbit Key Organizer. My key organizer of choice.
  5. Titanium Split Rings. Cuz every bit of weight saved, matters.
  6. Handgrey H4 Carabiner. I’d never pay $85 for a carabiner, but it was gifted to me and I absolutely love it. If I lost it, I just might buy one simply because it’s so convenient in use.

Black Diamond Litewire Carabiner

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You need a carabiner for your keys or bag. That just is what it is… But do you want one specific to that function or do you want one that will also hold some real weight in a pinch? If the latter, this is the carabiner you need. It’s cheap, light, and has an axis strength of something like 5,000 pounds.


Nightmare TIP SE

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A really bright torch that fits and forms nicely with your key fob… This thing gets really good reviews amongst the EDC community.


Handgrey Carabiners

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I’m a carabiner on my keychain kind of guy – always have been. When I get out of my truck, I clip the keys on my belt loop and I always know where they are. It just works for me.

Given that, I’ve gone through all sorts of carabiners for key usage. I’ve been using a Handgrey for about three years now and while expensive as hell, they are the best I’ve ever found.


The Stealth Box Set

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Interesting box set of shit to carry on ya every day… Key holder looks really nice to me.


Trayvax Keydex

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Another key-folder… This one is made in the USA. A lot of people do these things, but when is someone gonna make one that integrates factory key fobs? It wouldn’t be hard… and man, that would clean up some clutter in your pocket.


Python-QR Titanium Quick Release

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Tec Accessories is now making their quick release in titanium… These are well designed and really handy.
