Spyderco SpyNano

Spyderco and Lionsteel joined forces to crank out this little EDC scalpel with some serious steel under the hood. Instead of the usual MagnaCut, they went with Böhler M398—a shift that, for those not buried in metallurgy textbooks, means you sacrifice a little toughness in exchange for absurd edge retention and corrosion resistance.

But who cares about the science? Bottom line—it looks dope.

More details here.

The Christy Knife

I’ve stumbled across these little bastards at antique stores more times than I can count, always dismissed them without a second thought. But as it turns out, they’re still in production, and Christy is cranking out replacement blades—all made and shipped right here in the USA.

Call me a sentimental fool, but suddenly I’m smitten with the idea of this scrappy little pocket gadget. It’s got a certain romance to it, a stubborn refusal to fade away. I can respect that.

Details here.

Billet Aluminum Cam Straps

To be honest, cam straps don’t usually make the cut in my chaotic dance of ratchet straps and bungee cords. They sit somewhere in the murky middle ground, neither here nor there, and that’s a limbo I rarely find myself stumbling into.

But these new high-end cam straps from Austere? They’ve got the swagger and the substance—more secure, more convenient than the run-of-the-mill crap you find at the big box stores. And damn, they’ve got the looks to boot.

Might be worth a roll of the dice. Details here.

MetMo Pocket Driver & Multi Drive

MetMo blasted an email my way, asking if I’d take a gander at their latest concoction. They’ve christened it the Multi Drive—a multi-tool masquerading as a marking tool. This cunning little gadget morphs into a knife, pencil, scribe, drill, file, and even a micro driver.

It’s strutting its stuff on Kickstarter, and you can throw your cash at it here.

But the plot thickens: MetMo didn’t send me a Multi Drive. Oh no, they sent me a Pocket Driver (see above for the eye candy). And let me tell you, I’m grateful they did. The Pocket Driver is less of a tool and more of a desktop diversion—a ratchet driver that moonlights as a fidget spinner. Precision-machined and aesthetically pleasing, but don’t mistake it for a workhorse. It’s just too damned pretty for that… and way too addictive to fiddle with.

Is it worth $130? Probably not to most… but it’s one hell of a gift for the right kind of lunatic and if you judge it by its craftsmanship alone, you can justify the price easily. Tool, fidget toy, art… take your pic I guess…

Dive into the details here.

Suprus Plasma Lighter

You don’t need fuel, you just need a charge… and then, you have fire. This thing actually works pretty well.


Vosteed Corgi Flipper

Small and well designed, but not made of particularly great materials… and, as a result, it’s pretty damned cheap. The Costeed Corgi is approachable.



It’s a pocket clip for your keys… AND, a little folder. Pretty neat design.


The Invictus ATSP

Terrain 365 and Prometheus Design Werx did a collaboration on a folder. The result is super slim, super handsome, and pretty damned expensive. I just have a hard time justifying $379 on something you tend to beat the shit out of… But, I love the design work.
