Random Pocket Dump

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How about a random pocket dump from yours truly? Ok, ok… Stop begging. It’s not becoming.

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Hipster Persona

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I love this shit. Check it out:

In Persona, his deliciously voyeuristic, fashion forward portraits, Jason Travis snaps hipster Atlantans along with the contents of their messenger bags, backpacks and clutches to determine “what they deem important in their lives.” You are what you schlep.

Check out the entire set here.

America’s Oldest Tent Maker

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This is pretty bitchin… Armbruster Tent Maker is America’s oldest tent manufacturer and they’ve got a thing for history. So much so, that they still manufacturer and sell the same tents that they sold to the government in WWII. Rad, no?

You can get more details here.

What’s In Your Bag?

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I found a Flickr group the other day that is based around the items folks carry in their bags every day. What is it about looking at the shit people carry that is do damned interesting?

Check it out here.

The Dossier Picks Some Pockets

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So by studying the contents of a man’s pockets, what details can you learn about him? Can a man be defined by the gear he wears and carries? We “picked-the-pockets” of several New Yorkers (regardless of political party affiliation) and took a look at the details of their existence to answer the key question: what are the objects you simply cannot do without? We found the bangles, baubles, trinkets and final flourishes of their dress were unmistakable expressions of their craft, uniqueness, eccentricity, faith, sentimentality and humor…

Dig what they found.


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I can’t read Japanese, so your guess is as good as mine on the details of these little buggers… I will, however, say that these things are pretty damn cool to stare at…

Check it out.


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I found this hugely inspirational… Some stationary expert with a blog posts his EDC pack out. It features a ton of hand made niceties and a vintage slant. Gorgeous work and it all looks very usable.

For details on everything, see his Flickr page.

The BuryBunker

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The BuryBunker is a steel case designed to hold a pelican type case inside. The case is made from 10 gauge steel and powder-coated for long lasting durability. The lid is fastened with two 7/16 inch stainless steel fasteners and has a watertight silicon gasket which can withstand temperatures as low as -60 degrees F. Perfect for stowing away guns, cash, or even food for when the end of the word comes…
