The Smallest Revolver In The World

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This is ridiculous… The little gun is about 5.5 cm long and fires a 2.34mm caliber cartridge – specially made of course. It’s illegal for import into the states, but would run about $6000 if you could smuggle one in through Canada. I have no idea what in the hell you would use it for.

Check it out.

Stormproof Lighter

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Need a lighter for when the shit hits the fan? Apparently, you’re looking for the Delta Windmill lighter. It’s got some crazy “catalyzer” coil and “piezoelectric” ignition system that ensures this baby lights even when the wind gusts reach 80mph. No foolin… You can get yours for $55.

Thinksport Bottle

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When I presented the brand spanking new to a doctor pal of mine, he mentioned that he knew someone with a product worth reviewing. “A friend of mine is producing this super trick water bottle that not only houses all kinds of technological accomplishments, but is incredibly health conscious as well,” he said. A water bottle with tech and health features? I wasn’t sure what he meant, but contacted the company and had one sent out to me for review anyway.

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The WiseCracker

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This isn’t necessarily on-topic to the journal, but I ran into a guy last week with an incredibly inventive mind. It was one of those “small world” stories where he knew one of my pals and that sparked a conversation. Eventually that lead to the brand new Gear Journal and he popped this “WiseCracker” thing out of his pocket thinking I would be interested.

I was.

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A Captain’s Pocket Dump

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While the Gear Journal is mostly focused on the regular Joe and his EDC needs, we thought it might be interesting to hear from a professional. Rick is a captain on a New York police force. He’s survived an off-duty shoot out with a bad guy as well as 9-11. He’s been there, done that, and is prepared for it all. Lets take a look at his pocket dump, shall we?

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Tactical Laser

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This, my friends, is the Spyder II GX laser from The Spyder II is a military grade laser featuring an aerospace aluminum body and the first every hand-held thermoelectric cooling system. It shoots a laser that is visible for hundreds of miles and is intense enough to light a match from more than a few feet away. Frankly, I don’t know why you would include such hardware in your every day carry pack, but if ya do – BE CAREFUL as this thing can blind.

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Every Day CAR carry

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This one was originally posted on The Jalopy Journal and isn’t entirely on-topic, but I thought you guys might find it interesting none the less… A modern tool kit housed in vintage appointments and saved for road side occasions.

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Coming Soon…

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Woah… What’s this? Atomic Industry is stepping out of the garage for a bit and bringing you a community dedicated to the love of the gadgets and the gear that make your life easier. Expect full reviews on the latest watches, knives, bags, and other “every day carry” goodies – both tactical and non-tactical.

So take your hat off, hang your coat, and stick around a while. You’ll be glad ya did.