Moleskine Sticky Notes

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How long have we waited for a classy sticky note? Too damned long I say… Moleskine has finally stepped up with their “professional sticky notes.” They are overpriced ($9 for 3 packs of 20) and over engineered, but I seem to be drawn to that shit. I’ll be ordering soon I’m sure…

Details here.

Zebra F-701: The Poor Man’s Space Pen

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OK fellas, I’m about to dork out here… Hold your giggles until the end. See, I’ve gotten a few emails asking about the pens I carry. Typical of me, I like to carry durable stuff that is made to last. Also typical of me, I don’t like to spend a ton of dough. The ideal pen for me is most likely the traditional Fisher Space Pen, but I’ve always been ran off by the $60 price tag. What’s a cheap bastard to do?

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CountyComm Embassy Pen

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These pens were done on a government contract and apparently there was some left-over stock. CountyComm got a hold of them and is letting them go for about $50 a pop. Sounds expensive, but that price is actually pretty good for what ya get. It’s an all stainless steel body stuffed with the same SPR4 pressurized Fisher ink refill that the Space Pen uses. It’s about 5.25″ long with a diameter of .50″.

You can get more details here.