Porsche Design Book One

This is a really compelling design from Porsche… and it looks like the Surface Book might finally have some competition.

Source: Porsche Design Book One | – Porsche Design USA


I’m a huge fan of Sonos. If you read the news much, you might have heard they aren’t doing well financially. To me, that’s a leadership deal and not a knock against their product line… Cuz, their products are pretty damned amazing. I own a few Play 1’s, a Play 3, and a Connect Amp. All of them work beautifully.

This is the Playbase. Essentially, it’s the Sonos answer to thin TV’s with shitty speakers. But because it’s also a Sonos unit, it’s capable of a shit ton more.

Source: PLAYBASE — Wireless Soundbase Speaker for TVs | Sonos

FitBit AltaHR

I’ve been trying to get into shape since I had spinal surgery a few months back and just about everyone I come across tells me I need heart rate monitor. This new FitBit is for me I guess…

Source: AltaHR