Kangaroo PC

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A Windows 10 desktop PC the size of your iPhone… No shit. And it’s only $99.

Dig on this.


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An ALL in one iPhone case… If it’s durable, it’s practical… If it’s not, it’s shit.

Lomo’Instant Montenegro

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Insta cameras are just fun… But, typically they are made like toys. This one isn’t. Of course, it’s also $180.

Dig it.

God Damnit Leica…

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Finally, a Leica M alternative with a reliable focus mechanism that feels as good as a rangefinder and still works with M-glass? And it’s cheap too, right? Nope and nope.




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Between my wife, kids, and myself, I desperately need something like this.


Lily – The Camera That Follows You

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This is a drone. You throw it in the air and walk away… For the next 20 minutes, the drone follows you – taking both video and still images.

Infinite uses… Details.

Leica M Monochrom Typ 246

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If you are a Leica guy, you are familiar with the Leica Monochrom – Leica’s digital camera that shoots Black & White only. Surprising a lot of folks, Leica introduced a new version of the Monochrom yesterday based off  a more modern 24mp CMOS sensor. I shot with the old version a few times and was really impressed, but it will be interesting to see if the CMOS sensor can keep the same feel and contrast of the older camera.

In any regard, Leica should have removed the sapphire protected LCD on the back of the camera entirely, added a physical ISO button, and called it done. I mean damn… This thing shoot black and white images only – why not strip it down to the bare essentials?

If you’ve got $7,500 to blow, you can do so here.