Porsche 917 SlotMods track

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Good god… I mean, I don’t know what to say… Is it worth the 20+ thousands it’s probably going to bring? Maybe not, but I don’t give a damn. This is just rad.


Alpaka Shift V2

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I’m not normally a “top-loader” bag guy, but this new Shift Bag from Alpaka sort of defeats the limitations of that design with a large easy access pocket up front. And like everything from these guys, it’s built like a brick shit house.


Lego Defender

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Dopest Lego release in quite sometime. It’s a 1983 Land Rover Defender 90… and it’s in the right color.

Details here.

Zarges K470

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You ever spent a stupid amount of money on an aluminum case? Like, a really stupid amount of money? I did… and it has been worth every single penny.

I went from a Toyota Tacoma that features more storage areas than you could ever imagine to a ten year old Cayenne that featured hardly any hidden storage at all. To combat this, I got a cheap plastic tote from Home Depot and strapped it down in the rear storage area. In it, I stored things like jumper cables, a small tool kit, rags, tie-downs, etc…

This worked fine, but the further I got into the interior restoration of the Cayenne the worse that tote looked every time I opened the rear hatch. One evening I was under the influence and said, “Fuck it.” I spent $400 on an aluminum case from Zarges.

It was stupid. It was REALLY stupid. But honestly? I love this damned thing just for the way it’s built, the way it feels, and the incredibly efficient way it lightly stores so much crap. I hate to admit this, but I’d do it again.


Ali Socks

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The London Sock Company just launched a line of socks honoring the GREATEST OF ALL TIME. If you aren’t familiar with LSC, they are essentially the British version of Darn Tough. Made with serious quality using serious materials. Expensive in the short, cheap in the long…


Porsche X Airstream

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Porsche and Airstream collaborated in an effort to design a travel trailer that could fit in the typical suburban garage. The result is breathtaking.



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I had two car batteries go bad last month. As such, I’ve spent the last week or so getting my shop ready to support new battery and keep them living. As part of that, I got three battery maintainers from NOCO. A buddy of mine recommended the NOVO Genius 5 and 10.

They are packaged beautifully, work perfectly, and feel as though they are made like a brick shit house. Couldn’t be happier.

NOCO is actually known for their battery jumpers, so I assume they are just as good.


The NeoRuler

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Kind of hard to explain what this thing is, but it’s dope as hell. Essentially a digital ruler of sorts that escapes the confines of your device? Hell, I dunno…
