The Quirky Switch

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This is pretty bitchin’… Quirky put their noggins towards developing a modular multi-tool. They came up with the Switch, which is essentially a folding tool with interchangeable bits. Depending on your needs and the size of the tool you want to carry, you simply add or omit bits. Ingenious… I wonder if it’s as durable or reliable as a Leatherman?

I think I’ll order one and report back.

Check out all of the details here.

The iPad

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I admit it… I folded the minute that Apple announced the pre-order date and my iPad showed up on my door step on the release date. I’ve had a couple of weeks with the device now and I’m pretty damned impressed. Which is saying something as to be honest, I had no idea what I was ordering when I ordered it. Was this a laptop replacement? A giant iPhone? Or something different all together?

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Milspec AEV J8

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Admittedly, I’m not a “new” car kind of guy. I drive a ’39 Ford everyday. However, something about these military prepped Jeeps just sings to my sensibilities. No fuss, no muss… just functionality. I dig that in all of my every day gear.

Get the details from Jalopnik.

Wood Shock

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How’s this for inventive? Take a G-Shock, ditch the part that makes it so indestructible and encase the hole shebang in wood. I’m not sure I get it… at all…

See for yourself.

Emergency Zippo

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Ever tried to start a fire with a couple of sticks? Me neither… That said, some folks need fire in the harshest of conditions and when they least expect it. When that time comes and if you are some freak survivalist, it would be pretty damned cush to have Zippo’s latest in your pocket. It features rayon-made, water-resistant waxed tinder sticks to get things going and a reliable flint-wheel lighter, all packed into a water-resistant, safety-orange metal case.

Weirdo Militia folks and campers can get theirs for $20.

Hidetoshi Bolt-Action Pen

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There are people in this world that spend thousands of dollars on pen collections. It’s an interesting and thoughtful underworld as textured as the time-piece market and even the traditional hot rod movement. I’m not at all one of these folks, but I admire them and their collections from afar.

Lately, a new pen design has been hitting the market with fearless abandon. Everyone seems to want one, but not many are available. And if you happen to find one, expect to pay well over $500… For a pen… Even so, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a cooler writing utensil.

It’s the Japanese made Hidetoshi Bolt-Action Pen. Brilliant.

Nightvision Flashlight Camcorder

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Wanna take some video… on the sly… at night? Here’s the hot ticket. The Nightvision Flashlight Camcorder ($150) sports an eight LED array and hides a two-megapixel still/VGA video camera in its face. A five hour Lithium Ion battery runs the joint while your video is recorded on a microSD card tucked inside the chassis.

Check it out.


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About 2 months ago, images of the new 2010 Leatherman tools were leaked on the internet. Leatherman quickly got to work and had the images removed from just about every source they could find. Since then, I’ve been waiting on the Leatherman website to feature the new tools. The update has yet to come although the 2010 dealer catalogs do, in fact, feature the new tools.

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