Color is important.
This looks like an interesting way to die…
Source: LEIF eSnowboard | LEIF Technologies | Electric Skateboards that move like Snowboards
It’s a dammed tank!!!!
Source: Ripsaw EV2 Luxury Super Tank – Home
The thinest full featured FitBit yet… Pretty good.
Source: AltaHR
Great looking pen…
Source: Titanium Click Pen – Ti Click Classic – BIG IDEA DESIGN LLC
Adhesive Legos? What the hell will they think of next???
Source: Nimuno Loops – The Toy Block Tape | Indiegogo
Some really smart thinking and engineering with this new product line from a company called “Fix Manufacturing.”
Source: All Time Belt™ | Fix Manufacturing
I’ve got no use for this thing… no use at all, but I want it anyway.
Source: Solo Skiff, A fishing kayak, skiff, and SUP in one.